Coaching, Counseling, or Psychotherapy - How to Choose What's Best for You
You know that something needs to change and that, until now, whatever you've tried until now hasn't worked. Do you see a coach, a counselor, or therapist? How do you decide? As someone who does coaching and counseling / psychotherapy, here are some of my thoughts. The bottom line is, it depends on what sort of change you are looking more you need to heal from something that has happened to you in order to change, the more likely therapy is a better fit. The more you are focused on achieving a specific goal (and if healing doesn't appear to be an obstacle to your success) the more coaching, or a coaching-oriented approach, is likely to keep you on target. Psychotherapy Counseling and psychotherapy are often used to describe the same process, unless referring to a specific form of counseling, such as career counseling. In this article, I'll use therapy and counseling to refer to the same process, focusing on the more significant distinction between coaching and th...