
Showing posts from July, 2020

Depression - Does Psychotherapy Work?

Psychotherapy is a process that sometimes can save a patient' s life. Psychotherapy is about helping those patients who suffer from severe depression and sometimes from too much anger. Psychotherapy just goes into all those things that made the patient get sick in the first place and after that it eliminates all the causes in order to help the patient feel better. When it comes to treating depression, one of the most popular strategies is to use cognitive therapy - this means that you are examining how the patient is seeing life and how is this affecting his mood. Psychotherapy Depressed people usually have different thoughts that make them feel bad: "I really need to be perfect in everything I do! If not, nobody will ever love me!" or " Do not ask for help! If you ask for help everyone will know how incompetent and weak you are! ". The problem about these thoughts is that they are the only ones who see and believe these things! The others don't! Only a ...

Understanding Irrational Beliefs

Hello! Here's a short article about how irrational beliefs affect a person in his/her day to day living. The term Irrational Beliefs comes from Dr Albert Ellis (1913 - 2007), the father of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Beliefs are at the core of almost all of our emotional experiences. I used the word 'almost' to leave some space for emotions such as fear or terror in situations where there is a real threat to life. diversity training Understanding beliefs and knowing if they are rational or irrational helps a lot in eventually overcoming the emotional disturbance. People carry all sorts of irrational beliefs which they are not even aware of. And the task of digging in deep and finding out the irrational beliefs is quite challenging and demanding. But it is equally rewarding. family therapy Irrational beliefs are the preformed beliefs about certain situations, events, relationships and other life conditions that prevent a person from taking a decision or an a...

The Benefits Of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Explained

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and it is an increasingly popular tool in training and mentoring. It provides a system to understand how we think, influence and change things for the better. The purpose of it is to help you remember certain techniques and ultimately work out ways that you can make steps towards with what you want to achieve in life. NLP is frequently used in organizations to help them change, but can also be used personally and in other arenas. online marriage counseling NLP benefits businesses as it helps leaders improve their skills of communication, innovative thinking and their capacity to manage change, which ultimately helps the entire organization. NLP can help develop skills of leadership, sales, coaching, presenting and influencing. This then helps managers to deal with their staff more effectively, helping them to implement change that will benefit everyone. It also helps to identify areas of weakness, which can then be worked on and overcome th...

Psychological Treatment - New Psychotherapy Based on The Unconscious Psychology

The scientific method of dream interpretation is based on the discoveries of the psychiatrist Carl Jung. However, my discoveries, after continuing his research, confirm the wisdom of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams, identifying its saintly nature. antisocial personality disorder test As a scientist, Jung couldn't have the right attitude before the sanctity of the unconscious mind. He should have shown profound respect and adoration. He had an indifferent attitude because he believed that there was evilness in the unconscious mind, even though he recognized its wisdom. Jung ignored many things, but he accepted his ignorance, believing that he couldn't learn more. online marriage counseling I had to continue his research in order to find answers for the questions that he could not answer. Therefore, I discovered that all evilness and all the absurdity contained in the human mind come from the primitive side of our conscience. The anti-conscience (our wild consci...

How to Combat Panic Attacks?

Do you have anyone in your family suffering from panic attacks? This kind of situation is extremely difficult to overcome and disturbing too. For people suffering from this disease it comes as a major obstacle in leading a normal life. Every single day becomes a challenge and many of them avoid meeting their companions, getting into arguments or conflicts, traveling and almost everything that we do in our daily lives. diversity training Well, with the availability of modern means of curing, people suffering from this disease will be able to get immediate relief nowadays. Means of curing do not include any kind of drugs that may even worsen the situation. However, the best cure lies in realizing the actual reasons behind these attacks. family therapy Many people would like to prefer an immediate relief with the help of available drugs but you should also keep in mind that this abrupt step may end up in ruining your mental as well as your physical health. Use of drugs in this situati...

How EFT Works - An Explanation For The Layman

EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a new method for letting go of negative emotions and physical conditions that have an emotional element. Up to 85% of physical conditions are said to have an emotional element, so basically, EFT can help with almost any emotional or physical condition. online marriage counseling EFT may initially look strange, compared to psychotherapy or physiotherapy, for example. And computers, when they first started being available, must have looked strange compared to a typewriter or an abacus. But now there is a computer in every home in the developed world, and they are a normal part of everyday life. Can you imagine suddenly being without computers in your home or workplace, in hospitals, and all the other places that you depend on in your daily life? Or without internet or email? EFT works so relatively quickly and efficiently on any emotional and many physical conditions, that to regular EFTers, it is just normal. We even wonder how we ever u...

When Opposites Collide

Carl Jung wrote, "Life is only born at the spark of opposites." The ancient art and science of alchemy is also a philosophy from which we can learn much about Carl Jung's work - and ourselves. Alchemy is the process of turning metals into gold; to do this, it was believed there needed to be great tension in the alchemical vessel. There needed to be force and pressure to render the impure pure. This is analogous to the process of individuation. We are the alchemical vessels, and the pressure that is forced on us is a result of the opposites we encounter within ourselves. To become whole, we need to reconcile these opposites. To do that, we need to be well-grounded so we can withstand the tension. online marriage counseling Fairytales are great founts of truth. In the Grimm's Brothers tale, "The Raven," we see the tension of the opposites tugging at a young man. In the story, a princess is turned into a raven. The young man has the chance to turn her back ...

Psychotherapy, or Outgrowing Plan A

I'm a therapist with an odd specialty: control issues. I see everything as related to control. I think we're all addicted to it, that this addiction causes most (maybe all) our emotional problems, and that any therapy worth the name helps us redefine our understanding and relationship to control. Today a new client asked me, "How exactly do we develop this addiction?" "We are born that way," I told her. "We're born with this big, overdeveloped brain that keeps us scared and worried and trying to control everything and everybody. Sort of like a paranoid computer run amuck. In the East they call this computer monkey mind." family therapy That's only half an explanation, though. Some people are obviously more controlling than others. (Think: Mom.) Why is that, if we're all dominated by monkey mind? The other half of the answer has to do with Plan A. Twenty years of practicing therapy have taught me that in the end there's o...

Scarcity Vs Abundance

The phone rings. It's a friend of yours who just booked a recurring role on a big television series. She is ecstatic; her voice sings and screams in a high pitched excitement. She is so grateful to share her moment with you. Despite your genuine desire to be happy for your friend's good news, a pang of anxiety erupts in the pit of your stomach. Your heart begins to race, your breath becomes shallow, your face burns red, you even feel like crying. Worst of all you feel shame at your inability to enjoy your friend's success. online marriage counseling When you have a visceral, full bodied response to hearing of another's achievement, it can be indicative of a deep psycho-spiritual conditioning known as the scarcity mentality. The scarcity mentality is a worldview rooted in the belief that there is not enough. There is not enough success, not enough wealth, not enough love for everyone. The dictum of the scarcity mentality is that someone must lose in order for you to w...

Can a Marriage Survive Infidelity? Yes-No-Maybe

There are many factors that may predict either a positive or negative outcome of reconciliation marital counselling, when infidelity is involved: (1) If the affair was one of sexual gratification, absent of any love feeling. (2) If the affair was of short duration, i.e., a one night fling or a few times and was quickly terminated. (3) If the couple has a long-standing marriage. (4) If the couple have a child or several children. (5) If the "victim" of the affair is willing to look at any issue within his or herself that may have contributed to the affair. (6) Ability of the couple to talk openly and be honest with one another. (7) If the spouse, who was unfaithful, is willing to take responsibility for his/her actions. (8) The affair must be terminated; no more secrecy, no more lies. (9) Realizing that it will take time to sort out what happened in the marriage, and time to heal the anger, breach of trust, and for forgiveness to develop. (10) Learn to c...

Homosexual Feelings in Men - The Cure For Homosexuality

Men feel too humiliated when they are betrayed by the woman they love. They feel that they have lost their pride, their masculinity and power. This is the reason why many of them become homosexuals. family therapy Another shocking factor for men is the acceptance of many and constant abortions by women too indifferent to the future babies they kill this way, especially when their partner desires a family. family therapy near me There are many different conceptions about abortion; however the effect that they have on a man who desires a family is very destructive. He starts having homosexual feelings because he is too disgusted with the feminine cruelty. At the same time however, he knows that these feelings are absurd, and this is why an internal fight begins in his psyche. Depression treatment Homosexuality is basically the result of the masculine revenge against the futility, cruelty and immorality of many women. It can be provoked by feminine monstrosity even when a man...

Psychotherapy Heresy: Part 1 - Shouldn't Anyone Be Able To Do It?

During my years practicing psychotherapy, which is arguably an activity, rather than a job title, I have held the secret longing that people, through deepening in their conscious awareness, develop listening skills and empathetic skills which would enable and empower them to heal themselves and others. This thought is a kind of heresy (since the time of Freud and Jung the status of psychotherapy has aspired to elevate itself to religious status), implying disregard for therapy training, regulation, registration, licensing and general professional paraphernalia, which as someone (I forget who it was) once said would make Jesus an illegal counsellor. online marriage counseling But while I have personally endured the rigors of personal therapy over many years, training - both theoretical and experiential, therapist's supervision et al, all of which gives me tremendous respect for the 'profession' of psychotherapy, I inwardly feel and maintain that therapy is a natural res...

Unbearable Emotions and Feelings

The term "eating disorders," like so many diagnostic labels, describes a spectrum of experiences and dynamics; while two people might both overeat and purge, the psychological reasons why they do so can be very different. I'd like to discuss one of my clients who suffered from bulimia, along with the emotional factors involved, because her story sheds light on a much larger issue: how we may cope with unbearable emotions and feelings by trying to get rid of them. online marriage counseling When I began working with this client (I'll call her Sharon), I had little experience with eating disorders. I understood that there might be a connection between childhood sexual abuse and bulimia; I was aware that low self-esteem and perfectionism likely played a role. The first time we met, Sharon told me she'd been sexually molested by her step-father during her early teens; while she didn't strike me as having particularly low self-esteem, she did seem quite perfec...

Carl Jung's Method of Dream Interpretation and The Origin of All Mental Illnesses

After precisely following Carl Jung's steps and learning how to accurately translate all dreams according to his method of dream interpretation, I could continue his research. This was how I verified the unlimited power of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams. At the same time, I discovered the existence of the wild and primitive side of our conscience, which didn't evolve like our human side. diversity training The unconscious mind that produces our dreams is an independent and superior mind that proves God's existence. When we learn how to translate the meaning of our dreams we understand the wise and saintly unconscious guidance, contained in the dream images. All dream images have a symbolic meaning, and all them contain hidden messages. family therapy Today's scientists are atheistic and refuse to analyze metaphysical phenomena that they cannot explain. However, the truth cannot depend on the limited knowledge of our historical time. I will explain ...