Psychological Treatment - New Psychotherapy Based on The Unconscious Psychology

The scientific method of dream interpretation is based on the discoveries of the psychiatrist Carl Jung. However, my discoveries, after continuing his research, confirm the wisdom of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams, identifying its saintly nature. antisocial personality disorder test

As a scientist, Jung couldn't have the right attitude before the sanctity of the unconscious mind. He should have shown profound respect and adoration. He had an indifferent attitude because he believed that there was evilness in the unconscious mind, even though he recognized its wisdom. Jung ignored many things, but he accepted his ignorance, believing that he couldn't learn more. online marriage counseling

I had to continue his research in order to find answers for the questions that he could not answer. Therefore, I discovered that all evilness and all the absurdity contained in the human mind come from the primitive side of our conscience. The anti-conscience (our wild conscience), is responsible for the existence of all mental illnesses and mental disorders. Psychotherapy

The wise unconscious mind is a saintly doctor, and its psychotherapy in dream messages is absolutely safe. It is not merely a good advisor for the human being like Jung believed; the unconscious mind is the true voice of divine providence. marriage counseling near me

Since all evilness and absurdity existent in our mind comes from the anti-conscience, and the wise and saintly unconscious mind has a divine nature, we must conclude that through dreaming we have a direct communication with God. This is why the psychological treatment of the scientific method of dream interpretation is based on the wisdom of the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is the leader who shows us in dreams how to cure a mental illness, and not Carl Jung's psychology. marriage counseling

The wise unconscious mind that produces our dreams is a natural doctor for everyone. At the same time, it is also a priest, an artist, and a teacher. The complex unconscious mindset, which combines all aspects of reality, is totally different from our one-sided attitude. We cannot instantly see all aspects of reality at once, or be logical and sensitive at the same time.

Today we are used to studying only one aspect of reality. There are many specialists who are dedicated only to their specific field. We tend therefore, to share in very small pieces the information we absorb, without having a vision of all aspects of reality at the same time. We also deny mixing subjects. Science and religion are never examined together. On the contrary; most scientists have real aversion against religion, while most religious members have the same aversion against science. the marriage counselor

However, only when we analyze the entire reality of our planet, and all the knowledge we have about the human being through science, along with the various religious and artistic manifestations of all the civilizations of the world, can we have a global vision of the mystery of life for humanity. Science, religion, and art together, give us also a true image of the wisdom contained in the unconscious mind.

This is why through this new psychotherapy based on the unconscious psychology, we acquire perfect mental health that lasts forever. It helps us develop our intelligence and sensitivity, as well as our spirituality. Our hidden capacities have the chance to reach the conscious level, giving us more power, and more safety. Our artistic talents are freely expressed, and a new perspective of life enlightens our existence.


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