Holodynamics - A Simple and Profound Alchemic Approach For Transforming the Mind
I would like to share with you a very powerful form of consciousness work called Holodynamics. First a brief background on how I came to this work. In my practice I work with very challenged individuals. The patterns that cause illness on all levels are quite deep and usually clouded in confusion, stagnation and imbalance. We separate from the problem, give it a name and want a cure. Even with the most sublime techniques and practices there is information that roots deeply within the mind that is so difficult to access and transform. For those who have awakened to this simple truth, they begin searching for ways to access deep within their own consciousness to create transformation. Most who suffer deeply know the confusion, fear, anger and hopelessness of trying to resolve their issues; family therapy
the root of all evil;
have always stated that trauma is the root of all evil. Trauma by definition
would not be trauma if it completed its resolution process. The world is a
reflection of unresolved trauma and the furthering harmful attempts to mask its
origins within each and every one of us. Unresolved trauma keeps one in pain
and causes pain around us. In my holistic practice, I explain to my clients
that unresolved trauma can be around for thirty years yet time is really an
illusion. It means that for thirty years you haven't been able to access the
skills to get resolution.; family therapy near me
my practice I learned how to access deep within the energetic body as this is
the core reflection of one's state of health on all levels. Over and over again
emotional trauma would reveal itself and so I sought more skillful means to
bring resolution at this core level. I studied many approaches to working at
the mind including various forms of psychotherapy, hypnosis; shamanic work and
meditation. My intuitive gifts both in music and hands on healing drew me
towards energy psychology modalities such as heart math, eft, tappas
acupuncture, aromatherapy, bach flowers, color and sound therapies, energetic
nutritional strategies, movement therapies, etc. As a body worker I found
energy systems such as shiatsu, traggering, polarity, chakra/energy body
clearing techniques and core synch (a deeper version of cranial sacral) very
helpful I came to see deeply how the mind could alter the energetic body and
even with skillful loving rebalancing and incredible success I realized I
needed more profound access into the depths of consciousness. I was looking for
a tool that accessed both the energetic body and one that could go deep into
the mind itself Body work for the mind. How was it possible knowing how
persistent and stuck the mind becomes to access and transform those deepest
traumas that I knew existed in dimensions of consciousness that seemed
inaccessible? Depression treatment
one go beyond thought and the energetic body and enter a much deeper dimension
of reality. Can one have a deeper lens into consciousness itself and transform
the consciousness body itself. We might meditate and quiet the mind, but get
triggered and the harmful patterns of consciousness return; There is an old
Buddhist saying regarding how to approach the problem of suffering. A Buddhist
takes a hair and sticks in his eye where most feel it as though it is in their
hand. The key here is that what we perceive as trauma is an amazing opportunity
to resolve suffering at its core, to go into it and solve the problem. What are
the skills one needs to accomplish this? existential
is a reflection of unresolved consciousness forms that you associate as
yourself so now you sense yourself being that form with all it's suffering Consciousness
itself contains many forms that are stuck and can't resolve their own condition.
Holodynamics teaches us how to enter into the heart of unresolved consciousness
forms (downdraft holodynes) and transform them into helpful forms that serve
our greatest good. Using a skillful and loving dialectical process, we learn
how to locate and emerge these stealth like holodynes, get to know them for the
very first time (some are quite ancient) and then help them transform. These
holodynes contain information as old (and new) as consciousness itself and can
originate from any form of consciousness across time and multi-dimensionally.
They like us have needs and wants. Holodynes can reflect our deepest fears and
issues. Leaping through hyperspace, a holodyne can literally take over our
sensory system in an instant affecting our thoughts and feelings and beyond. When
we can't find a way out of a problem these forms come into the depths our minds
trying to assist us. antisocial personality
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though these holodynes intend to help us, their actions are often harmful as
they really don't possess the skills to do the job. You might look at them as
consciousness relatives and we all know the trouble that comes with relatives. So
we suffer from their limited primitive intelligence. These downdraft holodynes
are lost and we become burdened by their futile attempts to assist us thereby
feeling great pain. We over identify with these downdraft holodynes because
they literally take over our entire system in an overwhelming fashion. online marriage
is Holodynamics such a powerful healing modality?
holodynes are hard to access, very resistant and most people when approaching
these forms feel tremendous discomfort. Vernon Woolf, the founder of
Holodynamics, has created a methodology called "Tracking," which
allows one to access and transform their darkest entities without getting
sucked into intense negative drama. No easy task. With most work you are
running for the hills once you start to engage these entities. Or you are
dragging them off by their heels so you can feel protected and safe. So what if
you can truly turn these dark beings into loving helpers? Two very critical pieces
allow this to happen. One learns how to gain spiritual assistance in a very
pragmatic way (anyone can do this) and one learns that these demonic like
thought forms just like any other being have a logic to their actions and need
help. You learn to see that the darkest holodynes all have a positive intent.
The information these holodynes reveal will transform your very understanding
of yourself at a very deep level. Psychotherapy Discovering
their origins and purpose is illuminating. What if you could transform your
demons into allies? What if all along you have been not seeing their healing
intent and in fact they have been misunderstood for a very long time? What is
critical, regardless of your belief system, is that these entities take a seat
deep in the mind and will not transform unless we can learn to access them with
love and understanding and help them potentialize their deepest intent. And
that intent once truly discovered is always positive and healing. In
Holodynamics we seek the positive intent of all consciousness forms and help
those that are acting in a harmful manner find what they truly seek and assist
them to transform into new healings forms. Consciousness itself continually
seeks resolution. The second part of the work is most crucial. One learns to
access their spiritual potential and allow it to do the work of transformation.
This work teaches one to discover problem solving at a whole new level. From a
superpostitional place of peace you discover your spiritual self, your Full
Potential Self, and begin to realize your true healing potential. With your
guides and Full Potential Self in charge you are able to solve the most
entrenched issues of your life. Once you experience one or two
"trackings" you understand that you now are able to reach deep within
your mind and transform the most painful parts of yourself. The beauty of this
work is that it works. ;It gets in and starts clearing one by one the most
entrenched alchemic patterns of the mind and the mind begins to see it's true
potential and renews and reorganizes itself. You come into alignment with your
Full Potential Self. You discover the light within the darkness and with the
help of the light transform darkness into light. marriage counseling
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from the latest breakthroughs in physics, Holodynamics creates a new framework
to understand the nature of consciousness itself. There are many books on the
subject. To start I would suggest "The Dance of Life" or
"Holodynamics" by Victor Vernon Woolf. Dr. Woolf spent many years as
a psychotherapist seeking better ways to help his patients and the most
challenged populations in need of assistance. His success with drug
populations, mental patients and prison inmates is well documented. marriage
counselling He worked in Russia for many years helping to
facilitate ending the cold war and has also worked in the Middle East. Holodynamics
has been taught to thousands of people and does not require the need for an
ongoing therapist. This reminds me of Dr. Bach wanting his flower remedies to
be available to every household, not just doctors. Once one experiences this
work they can learn it and share it with friends and family members. You can
create your own healing group and have an ongoing way to assist one another and
transform consciousness at a profound level. This work is a wonderful addition
to one's healing practice. I am a firm believer that with simple practice and
skillful tools one can achieve great success in their healing journey. the
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