Recent Scientific Discovery - How to Put an End to All Mental Illness


By translating your dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation you are going to discover a wise doctor, who sends you protective messages through images and sounds.

This doctor has a separate brain, an ancient brain, and sends you information and guidance in dreams in order to help you eliminate the wild side of your conscience, which is schizophrenic. This means that you are already born with a content that is characterized by total absurdity in your own brain. family therapy

The image you'll have when you learn how to translate your own dreams is that your tiny human conscience is influenced by the wise unconscious mind that sends you protective and informative dreams on one hand, and by the wild anti-conscience, your primitive conscience, which occupies the biggest part of your brain, on the other hand. family therapy near me

This is a recent scientific discovery not yet properly evaluated by the scientific world, that will be certainly surprised with the importance of the meaning of dreams, and with the danger represented by the anti-conscience. Depression treatment

Such scientific discovery could never have been made by a scientist, exactly because all scientists are as absurd as the entire population on our planet. The bitter truth is that the human being is only a little bit balanced in only a few points. Everyone here is basically totally absurd, simply because everyone on our planet is indifferent to other people's suffering, to poverty and injustice. existential psychotherapy

Yes, I know very well what I am talking about. The bitter truth is that everybody here is absurd, even the supposedly very "normal" and admirable people, because they are not perfect, but they are selfish, they don't sacrifice their lives to help the others, and they close their eyes before all the horrors of our world. antisocial personality disorder test

Their goodness is false, even when they are generous, because it is based on their financial security, and in their desire to exhibit their generosity. Their balance is very superficial, and can easily disappear if they are betrayed and humiliated... online marriage counseling

There are no balanced people on Earth. The only exceptions are the rare real saints from history.

The absurdity of our lives on a planet where terrorism, violence, immorality, hypocrisy, indifference and futility prevail, and where the biggest part of the population is poor and lives suffering under unbearable conditions, already proves that the human being is completely crazy; we don't need more proof. Psychotherapy

However, he believes that his hypocrisy can cover all the horrors of his world, and he cares only about living well today.

This is why only science was not enough... The person who would discover the entire truth about human nature and the content of the human brain had to be an artist, so that they would be able to see the hypocrisy that everyone denies seeing.

This person had also to be very religious, while fighting against the terrible anti-conscience, which is a true demon.

This is why this so important scientific discovery didn't come from the scientific world, but from a writer.

The definitive end to all mental illnesses will really begin when the new generations learn how to translate their dreams while they are still young and their wild side is not so powerful, so that they may completely eliminate its poisonous influence from the beginning, completely eliminating in this way all possible mental illnesses, since all of them are provoked by the evil anti-conscience, a primitive beast that can think, but has no feelings.


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