The Secret to Combating Money Anxiety
Are you, or anyone you know, struggling with feelings of overwhelm and anxiety because of money? It's a safe bet the answer is "Yes!" Normally I say finances and abundance issues are connected to self-esteem but right now there is such a major economic shift going on and for many people money stress is connected to having difficulty with the changing financial structure. People are feeling out-of-control and fearful. antisocial personality disorder test
issue has become so prevalent that now MAD is getting known as the acronym for
Money Anxiety Disorder. It's reaching almost epidemic proportions with the
current economic climate. According to a survey in October of the American
Psychological Association, "80% of us find the recent financial crisis a
significant cause of stress-up from 66% last April-and women are bearing the
brunt of the worry." online marriage counseling
Some of the symptoms of stress and Money Anxiety
* Pervasive sense of panic and fear or
depression and futility
* Effecting health, putting you at
higher risk for a host of ailments
* High blood pressure
* Heart disease
less serious side effects are sleep disorders, increase in all kinds of
addictions, digestive problems and eating disorders, including weight loss and
more frequently, weight gain.
anxiety is the result of uncertainty, not knowing what the future holds and
creating worst case scenarios in our minds. Then many create limiting beliefs
in their mind and remain focused on all the doom and gloom around us. Psychotherapy
to the Law of Attraction (LOA), this type of thinking results in self-fulfilling
prophecies which keep attracting disastrous evidence to prove our emotional
perceptions. Consequently, we end up spiraling rapidly downhill, eventually
hitting the bottom. marriage counseling near
attract to your life whatever you give energy, attention, and focus to, whether
wanted or unwanted." ~ Michael Losier, author of The Law of Attraction.
what does one do? You can stop your own struggle and begin to rebuild. Your
foundation for this is made up of your potential, strengths, abilities, and
resourcefulness. Your fear is what you need to combat and change. It takes an
inner warrior, or the Feminine Warrior as I call it, to empower yourself and
turn this situation around. marriage counseling
like this can be your greatest gift, even though a challenge. It might even
bring about creative solutions by thinking outside the box, which feelings of
safety do not encourage.
any major achievement, breakthrough or change is preceded by confusion and even
overwhelm. Uncertainty is frequently the gateway for new ideas and creativity,
so welcome them, even if they are not comfortable. family therapy
has shown that great wealth has been made during depressions by those who are
willing to embrace the unknown and change. Imagine you are one of them.
has proved exercise and meditation are two of the best ways to combat stress
and anxiety.
#1 Secret to combating Money Anxiety, and perhaps all anxiety, is breathing,
deep, slow breaths. Deep breathing takes you from the Sympathetic Nervous
System to the Parasympathetic Nervous System. This means you go from the
fight/flight space to the warm, peaceful place. the marriage counselor
Calming Breath
- Begin with a 4-count breathing, in through the nose, out through the mouth.
Later you can increase the length of each count, first to 5, then to 6, etc.
Start with 5 breaths. diversity
1. Breathe in to the count of four
2. Hold
3. Breathe out
4. Hold
Belly Breathing
- In through the nose, out through the mouth
1. Put a hand on your upper chest and
belly, to keep the chest still.
Breathe in, letting your belly blow
up like a balloon.
Breathe out.
4. This one is the great for turning
around all anxiety.
Write down your specific money
anxiety issues now.
choices or investments and you lost money
lost your job
didn't save enough money when you had it coming in, etc.
2. What feelings and emotions come up from
these issues?
feel stupid about money
can't forgive myself for . . . . .
lost all that money on. . . . . . and feel terrible now.
3. What main abundance goals do you want
to experience differently?
want $1,000, $15,000 or whatever it is for you, in my savings account.
want to feel comfortable financially so I can do what I want without thinking
about money.
want to create . . . . product(s) in my business and bring in $_____ a month.
your next goal, not the biggest one you want, but the next goal in 3 months.
4. Then use Emotional Freedom Technique,
EFT, emotional acupuncture, hypnosis and EMDR, to quickly release these
negative beliefs and emotions.
5. Using the LOA, visualize your future
self coming through this time period better than you were going into it. Feel
the energy and emotions as you do this. Imagine the new skills you're
yourself totally successful looking back on this time period. Enjoy the
feelings of empowerment and success from your internal shift,
what your next most important step is that leads toward the future success that is yours. Feel how excited
you are to take that step and you'll be on your way to achieving it. Once you
can imagine it with all the energy and emotions, you can achieve it.
give up the struggle now. Say yes to your current experience, tune into your
inner wisdom and your brain will switch into success and abundance mode! If
these methods are not successful on your own, then contact a good
psychotherapist or coach to assist you.
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