Why and How the Meaning of Your Dreams Can Save Your Life


Until today many people ignored the extraordinary importance of the meaning of their dreams. If you are one of them, you must verify by yourself that the dream messages are sent by a genius, a wise mind with saintly characteristics. This means that there is really a superior creature with a superior brain, who guides the human being.

This fact gives us explanations that match with the teachings of all religions.

All religions work like psychotherapy for the violent human being, who has to tame his wild nature and learn how to be sensitive, patient, understanding, and sensible.

Most dream interpreters throughout history gave subjective definitions about the meaning of dreams. They continue giving their opinion to the public today, without really deciphering the dreams' hidden meanings, because nobody knows for sure how to exactly interpret them. There are thousands of theories about dream interpretation... online marriage counseling

Fortunately though, Carl Jung and the scientific method he discovered gave us the key to the comprehension of the meaning of the strange dream images and scenes, putting an end to our ignorance. Psychotherapy

His work was excellent, and he did discover the only correct method of dream translation.

I'm not only giving a testimonial, because I was his student, and followed his method by attentively reading all his books, as well as being cured from schizophrenia by translating the meaning of my dreams and obeying the wise unconscious mind that was sending me directions - but I also continued Jung's research, discovering much more. My success proves that he was really correct. marriage counseling near me

I was 23 years old when I started seriously caring about his work, looking for therapy for my own situation. Alone, just by reading his books and obeying the wise unconscious mind that was guiding me through dream messages, I was completely cured from the worst existent mental illness before it was too late. The dream therapy saved my life! marriage counseling

My case is only one example among billions of others. Everyone finds salvation following the guidance of the unconscious mind in their dreams.

Dreams work like psychotherapy, like our religions, however the dream messages can help us more because we get direct lessons from God through the unconscious mind. This is an advantage that humanity never imagined possible: a communication with God through dream messages! the marriage counselor

God exists, the same way that Satan exists too. Satan is the anti-conscience, the primitive human conscience, which occupies the biggest part of the human brain. God created the unconscious mind that works like a computer inside everyone, in order to help us fight against the wild anti-conscience, which is a cruel animal that can think. diversity training

Translating the meaning of your dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung, which I simplified very much, showing you directly what is important in each dream image, you'll be able to tame your violent and evil primitive nature, becoming wise and saintly like the unconscious mind that guides you through dream messages, and in this way completely eliminate the roots of violence and craziness from your mind.

Your dreams will give you health, wisdom, peace and real happiness. You should respect their messages more than you consider your ignorant impressions, exactly because in your dreams you see the entire truth about everything, without the distortions provoked by the evil and sneaky anti-conscience that keeps imposing you absurd thoughts.


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