From Ignorance to Wisdom


You are very lucky because I managed to simplify the complicated method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung. Everything was very complicated for me when I was young and I started studying Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation (in 1984). I read almost all his books, but in the beginning I couldn't understand anything. I was 23-years-old, a young mother, one year married. My heart was always heavy. I was always unsatisfied and angry. I had many fears.

My ignorance was dark and deep. However, after following the guidance of the unconscious mind in my dreams I became a genius. You can become a genius too because you have this potential. You are not using the biggest part of your brain because it belongs to your wild side. Once you transform your wild conscience into a positive component of your human conscience through dream therapy, you'll have the chance to evolve without being bothered by your primitive conscience, which generates mental illnesses within your conscience.

You will become always more intelligent by translating the meaning of dreams. You'll gradually acquire a huger vision of the world and see what exists behind the apparent reality. The fact that an ignorant creature like me could continue the complicated research of a psychiatrist through dream translation already proves the power of the unconscious lessons in dreams. online marriage counselling The unconscious mind is a doctor and teacher. I was an excellent student because I was desperately looking for psychotherapy. I had suicidal thoughts, but I knew that I had the obligation to be a good mother. I needed an urgent treatment. However, at that time of my life there were too many problems preventing me from having a treatment with a psychotherapist. I had to find a treatment at home, especially because I had to be with my baby all the time.

I didn't have any help. My mother tried to help me take care of my baby somehow, but at that time she was basically helping her sister because my cousin had died. My mother in law died in the same week, three days after my young cousin's death. I was an ignorant young mother, trying to survive while facing two tragic deaths in the family. Psychotherapy My husband was always working hard at our factory. My father-in-law started living with us after my mother-in-law's death. My brother-in-low lived alone, but he had lunch and dinner with us. I had to cook for everyone. However, I didn't know how to cook.

My husband and I used to eat at his parent's house because his mother was an excellent cooker, and she was an angel. Her death was something more than tragic for us. However, my 18-years-old cousin's death was even worse because she was too young. Everything happened at the same time. I didn't know how to be a good mother. Fortunately, my baby was healthy. He would eat, sleep, and play. I had no problems with his behavior. However, I had many problems with the fact that I had to be a nurse and a cooker.

I'm Brazilian but I had to abandon my country and live in Greece because there were too many assaults in Sao Paulo, where I am from. My parents are Greek and I have many relatives in Greece. So, I abandoned my studies in Brazil, I got married, and I didn't study anything even though I was an excellent student by nature. Abandoning my studies was one of my biggest mistakes. My life was totally empty. On the other hand, I didn't love my husband, and he didn't love me. My marriage was another very big mistake.

I was more than desperate when I started looking for psychotherapy through dream interpretation. I had many vivid dreams, and I remembered all their details.

Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation was too complicated, obscure, and time consuming. I can tell you that only because I was an excellent student from birth could I understand such method. Many people claim that they have read Jung's books and they know how to translate the meaning of dreams according to his method, but I doubt that those who claim that they know his method of dream interpretation are saying the truth. This method is not for everyone.

This is why I told you from the beginning that you are very lucky because I transformed all the complication into a fast method of instant translation from images into words. This was like creating the first computer in the world. I was very intelligent when I was a child, but after suffering from a tragic car accident when I was 15-years-old, I became neurotic. I lost my intelligence and my personality. I gradually recovered my intelligence, but my personality was never the same. I was a very revolted teen.

When I got married and I became a mother, I became idiotic. My thoughts and my behavior were idiotic. I could understand this truth when I started studying the meaning of dreams. I recuperated my lost personality and all my talents. I became more intelligent, and I started completely understanding Jung's books and all the scientific books I read about other topics. Fortunately I could buy many books and gradually learn many things.

Today you can immediately translate the meaning of any dream thanks to my simplifications. Now you only have to learn the meaning of the most important dream symbols and the unconscious logic in order to understand the basic meaning of dreams. Write down whatever you can remember from a dream in a dream journal. Repeat this procedure everyday. Read my articles, and follow my lessons. I have already given you many explanations in my daily articles (since 2007). Your dreams are treasures. The information you have in dreams will transform you into another person. You will surpass the mindset of the absurd modern civilization and attain a higher level of knowledge. You will understand how your brain works and what determines your behaviour. This vision will completely eliminate your fears.

You will also understand how other people feel and sense, as if you could read their minds. Dream translation gives you numerous advantages, besides guaranteeing your mental stability forever. When you translate the meaning of dreams and you follow the unconscious guidance, you attain sanctity. Sanctity and wisdom are synonyms. This means that you become a perfect creature. If you'll be an obedient patient and cooperate with your unconscious doctor, you'll soon acquire perfect mental, physical, and spiritual health. You'll discover many things. You only have to get rid of the wild side of your conscience through dream therapy in order to use all of your brain power and begin a new life.


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