Mind Power and the Realm of Consciousness - The Learning Process of the Brain


In order to understand what mind power means and what the realm of consciousness is, we have to understand how the learning process of the brain works. The biologist and behaviourist Konrand Lorenz, in his book "Behind the Mirror" describes in detail the learning process of the animal and human brain, beginning from the amoeba, up to the giant mammals.

Lorenz explains to us that animal behaviour is programmed depending on chains. Even human behaviour is programmed the same way. The behavioural program is first of all indispensable for the safety of all animals on Earth, where too many dangers and natural enemies are threatening them. They wouldn't have the time to learn how to defend themselves if this behaviour was not inherited, and already prepared in their cognitive mechanism. The cognitive mechanism is the mechanism through which the brain can recognize something, and also learn something from a certain experience.

For example an orangutan is able to learn to climb a small bench in order to reach a bunch of bananas that are hanging near the roof, when it is left alone in a room, when it sees the bananas up there and then it sees the bench. Of course, it will take time to discover the solution, but it will find it in the end, and get the bananas. online marriage counselling Lorenz observed that the human brain follows many behavioural programs, like all animals, concluding that the human being in fact has no freedom of choice. So many behavioural programs mean that the human being is programmed to behave in certain way in many points. Pavlov's dog was conditioned to begin salivating when a bell rang because it learned that each time it heard the bell, it was given food. This simple example shows us how an animal can learn when we teach it to recognize something through conditioning.

So, through the learning process of the brain, an animal can:

1. Solve a problem

2. Learn something from certain experience

If an animal would have mind power, this would mean that it would be able to solve all its problems and learn many, many things, without end. Psychotherapy When we talk about mind power concerning the human brain, we are talking about the capacity that the human being has to learn indefinitely, and to solve problems, the same way, but using more capacities, and being able also to interfere in the reality he observes, transforming it with the power of his mind. However, the behavioural programs that the human brain inherits many times are not helpful for the human survival, even though they always work as protective systems in the case of the irrational animals.

This means that real mind power and real vision of the realm of consciousness can be given to the human being only when he surpasses the animal behavioural programs that are not helping him in his life, and he stops living being limited by them. This is when he discovers the energy and the power of his own mind, and he is able to interfere in the reality he observes, transforming it. How can all that be achieved by someone, though?

There is an excellent method, available to you in our century: the scientific method of dream interpretation, which exactly deciphers the meaning of the mysterious dream messages for you, so that you may learn how to attain wisdom by following the guidance of the wise unconscious mind that produces your dreams.


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