Psychology Study - The Advantages of Dream Analysis and Therapy
Only the psychiatrist Carl Jung could discover the hidden meaning of dreams, as recent scientific discoveries have confirmed. However, humanity still ignores the importance of dreams.
continuation of Jung's research showed us that the basic intention of the
unconscious mind that produces our dreams is to protect our mental health from
the dangerous influence of our wild conscience. The anti-conscience, our
primitive conscience, which didn't evolve like the human side of our
conscience, keeps interfering in our thoughts and behaviour, in order to
destroy our human conscience through mental illnesses and mental disorders. marriage
psychology study based on dream analysis will provide important information
about the mental stability of all dreamers and the influence of the
anti-conscience in their behaviour.
analyzing a dream collection composed of various dreams from the same dreamer
during a certain period of time, we will understand the causes of all the
psychological problems that are provoking abnormal behaviour and alterations in
the dreamer's personality. the
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dream images contain precious unconscious messages, which are hidden from the
anti-conscience. We must study the symbolic dream language, so that we may
discover these hidden messages. They are like a second picture in the
background of a simple image. The background picture reflects the content of
the dreamer's psyche. diversity
we encounter a repetition of dream scenes in a dream collection, we understand
that the dreamer has an important obligation to fulfil. As long as the
obligation is not fulfilled and the dreamer continues to procrastinate, the
dreams will persist. Recurring dreams predict future suffering for dreamers who
neglect their obligations. These obligations are always related to the
transformation of their personality. family
people experience recurring dreams because they cannot stop repeating the same
mistakes, and the unconscious mind keeps trying to alarm them. Depending on
their psychological type, they will use only one of their four psychological
functions when trying to solve their problems. This means that they will be
slaves of rationalism if they belong to a psychological type based on thoughts,
or they will be slaves of their feelings, sensations or intuitions if their
psychological type is based in one of these psychological functions. Therefore,
they will completely ignore the aspects of reality that cannot be perceived
when we don't use all the psychological functions we have at our disposal. family
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order to find a psychological balance we have to equally develop all our
psychological functions. This is how we will be able to analyze all details of
reality and make wise decisions. Through dream therapy we learn how to develop
the atrophied psychological functions repressed by our main psychological
function. This means that if we only used our ideas because we belonged to a
psychological type based on thoughts, we must now also learn how to pay
attention to the way we feel, to what we can sense, and to what we can guess
about the reality we observe using all the senses and psychological processes
available to us. Depression
atrophied psychological functions in the conscious field, belong to the anti-conscience.
In other words, they didn't pass through the process of consciousness, and
still remain in a primitive condition. The unconscious mind shows us in dream
messages how we can gradually transform the violent reactions of our atrophied
psychological functions into wise human behavior.
very important advantage of dream analysis is the fact that we can discover any
mystery by translating the meaning of our dreams. The unconscious mind will
clarify in dream images any obscure hypothesis or false impressions that
generated wrong conclusions and strange life situations.
psychology study based on dream analysis will enlighten us, showing us truths
that would remain ignored forever without the information found in the dream
symbols. We only have to learn the symbolic dream language and regularly
translate the meaning of our dreams in order to reap all the benefits offered
by the wisdom contained in the dream messages.
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