Psychotherapy: Why Talking About Your Problems Makes Them Worse


Psychotherapy strives to get a person talking about what is bothering them. What happens when people dredge up their painful past experiences? They often get more deeply stuck in their pain.

How does that happen?

Your mind cannot differentiate between what is real and what you imagine. For that reason affirmations (when properly composed and stated) always work. family therapy near me

Acting as if a desired outcome is your current reality fools the subconscious mind into thinking you currently live in that fantasy.

Couple that fact with the Universal Law stating that what you focus on expands in your life.

When you talk about painful experiences you actually re-live them. Your body physically re-lives the event. Your muscles tighten, your body becomes distorted, your heart races, your palms sweat - all the physiological changes that you originally experienced reoccur as if your past is alive and kicking. Depression treatment

In fact that past event is alive and happening all over again- in your physical and emotional bodies.

Often the psychotherapist and client focus on that single event defining it as the cause of one's current unhappiness, fears, problems, etc. Yet what comes up in your awareness, what you can access using your conscious mind, rarely defines the actual cause of your discontent. existential psychotherapy

What you do not know and cannot access lies out of your awareness.

It hides its power over you by making you think you revealed the source of pain. Your ego mind leads you to believe that knowing about an event means you can clear its impact. antisocial personality disorder test

What you do not know you do not know hurts you - sometimes tragically.


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