How to Treat Depression - Stop Being Depressed and Find Sound Mental Health
Depression can easily be eliminated through dream therapy when you are a good student and patient. You will treat your depression yourself, without having to go anywhere or depend on anyone. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams will help you find sound mental health. You only have to cooperate with your natural doctor, by following the guidance you receive.
is a fast depression treatment based on self-help, while you have many lessons
and explanations in dreams. You are not alone.
the beginning the unconscious mind analyzes your life and your behaviour.
Later, it analyzes the behaviour of everyone around you. You enter into your
psychological world, and you understand the functioning of the human brain. As
you continue your studies, you understand what basically determines the behaviour
of the human race. online
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knowledge keeps increasing as you translate the meaning of your dreams and you
learn the unconscious lessons. These lessons give you another vision. You start
seeing many details you didn't perceive before, and you start solving
mysteries. You discover that there are many details that determine the
functioning of the world, and the future development of your reality. Psychotherapy
information you have in your dreams will gradually eliminate your ignorance and
your false impressions. This alternative will completely transform your life.
You'll stop thinking the way you do now that you ignore many hidden truths.
Your mind will open, and you'll stop feeling sorry for yourself. marriage
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only have to keep a diary and a dream journal in order to relate your daily
life to the dream messages. Then, you should translate your dreams, and follow
the unconscious guidance.
the beginning you won't be able to understand the meaning of many dreams.
However, as you keep writing down all your dreams and learning the dream
language, you'll start understanding the precious unconscious messages in a few
dream images. You'll recognize important dream symbols in each dream, and
understand the basic messages of the unconscious mind. marriage
you'll keep paying attention to the meaning of your dreams and trying to
understand their hidden messages, you'll gradually understand your psychological
problems. The unconscious mind is very generous and sends you many explanations
in dreams.
you won't be able to translate a dream, wait for your next dreams. The
unconscious mind will help you understand your first dreams by repeating the
same explanations in your next dreams. the
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unconscious mind is a very patient doctor who gives you the same explanations
through many different ways, until you are finally able to understand what you
dream is like the chapter of a book. You will completely understand the
unconscious messages when you'll analyze your dream collection after a certain
period of time. This is why you need at least two months of dream therapy in
order to stop depression from ruining your life.
depression treatment based on dream therapy usually takes from 6 to 8 months.
Some people are cured faster, while other people need more time. Everything depends
on your psychological situation and life conditions. However, you'll surely be
cured through dream translation, sooner or later. diversity
won't waste your time with this method. This is guaranteed because your doctor
is God's mind. The wisdom of the unconscious mind definitively eliminates all
doubts that God really exists. If you don't believe in my words, study my
dynamic method of instant dream translation for a while and translate at least
a sentence from one of your dreams. You will discover the unconscious sanctity
in a dream image when you pay attention to all its details. family
dream is made by many complex images based on a different logic. The dream
logic is based on the saintly unconscious logic, which is far superior and
cannot be compared to our idiotic logic based on selfishness. We are animals.
The wise unconscious mind is perfect. We have to learn how the unconscious
logic works, so that we may understand the meaning of dreams. family
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one hand, dream translation is based on our capacity to understand the meaning
of most dream symbols. On the other hand, it is based on following the
unconscious logic.
you understand the unconscious logic, you easily understand the meaning of all
dreams, even if you ignore the meaning of many dream symbols. You are able to
discover their meaning by relating many details based on the dream symbols you
already know.
example, here is the dream a depressed young woman had, after discovering that
her boyfriend had an affair:
is an apple on the table, but it is too big and I don't like it. Then I travel
by bus. I believe that I'm going to meet an old boyfriend. However, only my
mother was waiting for me in the end of the journey."
let me translate the meaning of this dream:
apple represents wisdom. The dreamer didn't like the big apple because she
couldn't accept her wisdom. She didn't want to understand that her boyfriend
was cheating on her.
travels by bus because her life is following a known route that can only have
the same end. She doesn't have many alternatives. This means that she has to
change the way she thinks and the way she acts if she wants to find happiness
in life. By following the route she is following now, she won't have positive
results. Depression
she believes that in the end of her trip she will find an old boyfriend, who
represents her animus (perfect match), in the end of her trip she meets her
mother, who represents her anti-conscience.
anti-conscience is the wild and evil side of the human conscience that didn't
evolve like our human side. The fact that the dreamer met her mother in the end
means that she is being controlled by her anti-conscience. This is why she
cannot accept her wisdom. She still doesn't want to believe that she must
forget her boyfriend because he doesn't love her.
let's analyze the characteristics of her personality. She doesn't want to
believe in something unpleasant because she is in love. However, this attitude
is idiotic. The dreamer must understand her situation.
unconscious mind shows to the dreamer that she must be realistic.
let's analyze the unconscious messages. The apple represents wisdom. It is a
very positive dream symbol. Since the dreamer saw a big apple in a dream, the
meaning of this dream is positive. She already understood that her boyfriend is
not loyal to her. She cannot keep ignoring this truth. existential
though the end of the dream is negative because she meets her mother, the fact
that she saw a big apple in the beginning of the dream is very positive. The
meaning of the dream symbols is always the same, independently of the dreamer's
interpretations. A big apple in a dream represents true wisdom. This means that
the dreamer really had an important lesson, even though she doesn't want to
accept the truth. antisocial
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unconscious mind will help her face this difficult situation. Her next dreams
will be about her boyfriend's personality. The unconscious mind will analyze
his personality through many ways and show her who he really is.
is going to understand many truths she couldn't see before. This knowledge will
eliminate the idol she had in mind when she would think about her boyfriend.
After analyzing his personality, she will understand his defects and she will
stop being eluded by many lies. online
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way, she will stop loving him. She will then look for the man who will really
make her happy.
depression will disappear thanks to all the knowledge she will have. She won't
look at her boyfriend with the same ignorant eyes like before.
is how dream therapy works. Now, let's hope that the dreamer will stop seeing
her mother in her dreams, and she will have many dreams with positive dream
unconscious logic shows to the dreamer that she must not regret learning that
her boyfriend was cheating on her because this fact was an important life
lesson. The big apple is a very positive dream symbol, even though the dreamer
didn't like it. Psychotherapy
big apple means that this life lesson will make her wiser. She is going to
understand many important truths that will be decisive for the continuation of
her life.
that she had this bitter experience, she will be able to understand how to find
her perfect match and have a perfect relationship. This bitter experience was
an important life lesson that will help her find real happiness in life without
believing in illusions.
unconscious mind was giving support to the dreamer, and showing her that this
deception was not the end of the world. It was a bitter experience that gave
her precious knowledge. For now on, she will stop being superficial. She will
seriously look for the right relationship for her, without falling into hidden
traps. marriage
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example shows you the basic characteristics of the unconscious psychotherapy.
The unconscious mind is a saintly doctor who shows you that nothing is more
important than the transformation of your personality. All bitter experiences
are in fact important moral lessons that transform you into a wiser person.
a few words, the unconscious treatment eliminates your depression by giving you
important information that cures your wounds. You are enlightened by all the
knowledge you acquire. You are also encouraged to begin a new life, without
repeating the same mistakes.
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